Пермский Мемориал


Волонтёрская соцслужба

Workcamp programme for 2012

Summer Workcamp Programme 2012


Along the Rivers of Memory

Dates: 30/04/2012 – 07/05/2012

Location: rivers Lysva (Лысьва) and Obva (Обва), Perm region (Карагай Верещагино)

Description: The Region Perm was during the Soviet period one of the main regions where the repressive policy of a totalitarian regime was carried out. In 1927 one of the first camps of GULAG was built here and mass use of work of prisoners on industrial projects began. Till the latest moment of the Soviet Union political prisoners (so called “prisoners of conscience”) were held in custody in Perm region.

Work: Volunteers will make interviews with the locals and gather ‘oral history’, search for witness accounts of the history of political repressions in the USSR and the local area, trace the coordinates of former resettlement areas and GULAG zones which were located here, and erect temporary signs to commemorate the victims of political terror. The gathered interviews will be worked into a electronic historical archive and the most interesting ones will be published.

Study: The main aim of the expedition is to learn about the history of political repression during the Soviet period.

Accommodation: The participants will live in tents during the rafting trip and in schools when staying in towns.

Additional notes: sleeping bag is necessary (Necessary equipment -rafts, tents etc. will be provided). The project will demand serious physical exercise, certain deprivations and inconveniences.

Language: Russian

Number of participants: 18

Leaders: Robert Latypov, chief Youth Memorial.

Contact: pmem@yandex.ru, larobert@yandex.ru

Please, sent the application to: Service Civil International (find your branch on www.sciint.org )

Perm 36 (1)

Dates: 01/07/12 - 12/07/12, 12 days

Description: The youth volunteer camp is held in the former Soviet prison camp "Perm-36", where in 1970's and 80's known dissidents and human rights activist were held. The former prison camp has been turned into a memorial museum of the history of political repression and totalitarianism in the USSR. Near the museum, on the banks of the river is the base camp of the Youth Volunteers of the Memorial.

Volunteers of Youth Memorial as well as activists of youth voluntary organizations of Perm Region and other russians regions will attend this workcamp. During the camp there will be discussions and trainings on the main topic of the camp "Civic engagement" and other public issues in contemporary Russia.

Location: Village Kuchino, Chusovskoy district of the Perm region.

Work: Working on the museum grounds.

Study: History of 20. century, civic engagement

Accomodation: in tents in the camping place of Youth Memorial, there is also a kitchen, a toilet and a shower in the camping

Number of participants: up to 30 people.

Language: Russian, English

Leader: Robert Latypov, co-chair of the Youth Memorial.

Contact: larobert@yandex.ru 

Please, sent the application to: Service Civil International (find your branch on www.sciint.org )

Perm 36 (2)

 Dates: 12/07/12 - 23/07/12, 12 days

Description: The youth volunteer camp is held in the former Soviet prison camp "Perm-36", where in 1970's and 80's known dissidents and human rights activist were held. The former prison camp has been turned into a memorial museum of the history of political repression and totalitarianism in the USSR. Near the museum, on the banks of the river is the base camp of the Youth Volunteers of the Memorial.

Volunteers of Youth Memorial as well as activists of youth voluntary organizations of Perm Region and other russians regions will attend this workcamp. During the camp there will be discussions and trainings on the main topic of the camp "Young leaders" and other public issues in contemporary Russia.

Location: Village Kuchino, Chusovskoy district of the Perm region. 

Work: Working on the museum grounds, assistance to the museum in preparation for the International Forum fro Human Rights "Pilorama-2012”.

Study: History of 20. century, civic engagement, young leaders

Accomodation: in tents in the camping place of Youth Memorial, there is also a kitchen, a toilet and a shower in the camping

Number of participants: up to 30 people.

Language: Russian, English

Leader: Robert Latypov, co-chair of the Youth Memorial.

Contact: larobert@yandex.ru 

Please, sent the application to: Service Civil International (find your branch onwww.sciint.org )

Perm 36 (3)

Dates: 23/07/12 - 03/08/12, 12 days

Description: The youth volunteer camp is held in the former Soviet prison camp "Perm-36", where in 1970's and 80's known dissidents and human rights activist were held. The former prison camp has been turned into a memorial museum of the history of political repression and totalitarianism in the USSR. Near the museum, on the banks of the river is the base camp of the Youth Volunteers of the Memorial.

Volunteers of Youth Memorial as well as activists of youth voluntary organizations of Perm Region and other russians regions will attend this workcamp. During the camp there will be discussions and trainings on the main topic of the camp "Modern information space" and other public issues in contemporary Russia.

Location: Village Kuchino, Chusovskoy district of the Perm region. 

Work: Working on the museum grounds, assistance to the museum in preparation for the International Forum for Human Rights "Pilorama-2012”.

Study: History of 20. century, Modern information space

Accomodation: in tents in the camping place of Youth Memorial, there is also a kitchen, a toilet and a shower in the camping

Number of participants: up to 30 people.

Language: Russian, English

Leader: Robert Latypov, co-chair of the Youth Memorial.

Contact: larobert@yandex.ru 

Please, sent the application to: Service Civil International (find your branch onwww.sciint.org )

International workcamp "Blurring the Boundaries”

Dates: 01/08/12 - 13/08/12, 14 days

Location: Perm city

Description: The camp is traditionally held in the city of Perm with the German organization Internationaler Bauorden («Construction Order"). It is aimed at carrying out minor repairs in the apartments of the victims of political repression living in Perm. In addition, volunteers will provide all possible assistance in the construction of the Museum of the former NKVD prison in Perm. It is assumed that half of the camp participants will be volunteers from Western Europe, and the other half the Russian volunteers.

Work: renovating the apartments of the victims of political repression, and also work in the former prison of the NKVD. Work will include painting of windows and doors, Wallpapering, plastering, whitewashing walls and ceilings, as well as the establishment of multimedia equipment in the future museum.

Study:History of 20. century, civic engagement

Accomodation: in a student hostel

Number of participants: up to 16 people.

Working languages: English, German and Russian.

Leaders: Sosnina Oksana, manager of international projects of the Youth Memorial.

Contact: sosnina.perm@gmail.com, volunteer59@gmail.com 

International workcamp "Apartment"

Dates: 15/07/12 - 27/07/12

Location: Dobryanka, Perm region.

Description: The camp is held in the city of Dobryanka in the Perm region together with the German organization Aktion Sühnezeichen Friedensdienste («action Mark of Atonement - the service of peace"). Half of the participants of the camp will be made up of volunteers from Western Europe, and the other half from the Russian volunteers.
Work: renovating apartments of elderly people, victims of political repression, rendering them social assistance.

Study: history of political repression in Soviet times

Accomodation: in a hostel

Number of participants: up to 20 people.

Working languages: Russian, German and English.

Leaders: Alexandra Skaliuh, coordinator of volunteer services of the Youth "Memorial".
Contact: an-noct@yandex.ru



Travelling workcamp Present from the Past

Dates: 19.07.2012 - 04.08.2012

Location:  Perm and other towns of the region

Description: The project starts with an 3-day training course in Perm, where you will discuss the topics and learn to set up workshops using non-formal methods of history and human rights education. Following this, you will travel to 3 international workcamps in Perm Region to deliver self designed one-day workshops on the topic. In particular, the group will to visit such workcamps as "Erasing Borders" (Perm) "Apartment" (Dobryanka) and a traditional camp in the museum "Perm-36" (village of Kuchino ), as well as take part in international festival of human rights, "Pilorama 2012", organized by the museum "Perm-36".

Work: To create training units and give workshops

Study: hustory and human rights

Accomodation: private flat in Perm, very simple accommodation in the camps

Number of participants: 5

Language: Russian, English

 Qualifications: Interest in the topic and high motivation, Russian skills are very desirable

Contact: Olga Galieva, volunteer59@gmail.com 

Please, sent the application to: Service Civil International (find your branch onwww.sciint.org )



Further Information

 All camps will include an educational and cultural programme for volunteers: excursions, discussions, meetings with human rights workers and former political prisoners, films, creative tasks and simple relaxation!

 All necessary equipment (catamarans, tents, sleeping-bags, etc.) will be provided by Youth Memorial. The organisation will also cover expenses related to food, accommodation, educational and cultural events and local transport (from Perm city to the camp and back).

Participants travelling from abroad and from other parts of Russia are asked to cover their own transport costs as far as Perm.

 Applications will be accepted up to no later than two weeks before the start date of your chosen camp. It is possible to apply for more than one camp.


For further information, please contact the project managers.


Applicants should be aged between 15 and 35 unless otherwise stated. Participants are selected on a competitive basis – applicants will be informed of the results no later than two weeks before the project’s start date. Warning! The dates given are subject to slight change. 


Contact details for applications:

614070, Perm, Ul. Krupskoi 40, Youth Memorial

Email: pmem@yandex.ru

Tel/fax: (342) 282-53-11, 282-54-42


We ask that you would please send a duplicate copy of your application to the managers of your chosen projects!

Along the Rivers of Memory

Dates: 01/05/2011 – 08/05/2011


The Region Perm was during the Soviet period one of the main regions where the repressive policy of a totalitarian regime was carried out. In 1927 one of the first camps of GULAG was built here and mass use of work of prisoners on industrial projects began. Till the latest moment of the Soviet Union political prisoners (so called “prisoners of conscience”) were held in custody in Perm region.

Work: Volunteers will make interviews with the locals and gather ‘oral history’, search for witness accounts of the history of political repressions in the USSR and the local area, trace the coordinates of former resettlement areas and GULAG zones which were located here, and erect temporary signs to commemorate the victims of political terror. The gathered interviews will be worked into a electronic historical archive and the most interesting ones will be published.

Study: The main aim of the expedition is to learn about the history of political repression during the Soviet period.

Accommodation: The participants will live in tents during the rafting trip and in schools when staying in towns.

Additional notes: sleeping bag is necessary (Necessary equipment -rafts, tents etc. will be provided). The project will demand serious physical exercise, certain deprivations and inconveniences.

Language: Russian

Number of participants: 18

Leaders: Alexander Aslanyan, web master of Youth Memorial

Ramil Fathutdinov, historical and archival work in Youth memorial.

Contact: porekam@yandex.ru


Please, sent the application to: Service Civil International (find your branch on www.sciint.org )

International volunteer camp "Love's Bridge"

Dates: June 25 to July 5, 11 days

The youth volunteer camp is held in the former Soviet prison camp "Perm-36", where in 1970's and 80's known dissidents and human rights activist were held. The former prison camp has been turned into a memorial museum of the history of political repression and totalitarianism in the USSR. Near the museum, on the banks of the river is the base camp of the Youth Volunteers of the Memorial.

This camp will be conducted in partnership with the international NGO "Love's Bridge”. The camp is aimed at the socialization of adolescents who find themselves in difficult situations, who will constitute half of the participants. Other half of the volunteers will be volunteers, who want to help these people and at the same time the museum itself. The main function of the workcamp will be preparing the volunteer camp for the next two shifts volunteer camps in July and working on the museum grounds.
Location: Village Kuchino, Chusovskoy district of the Perm region.
Work: participation of volunteers in assembling and equipping the volunteer camp, in landscaping of the museum, organizing educational and recreational programs for teenagers.
Number of participants: up to 25 people

Language: Russian
Leader: Raphael Davletov, head of the “Love's Bridge"
Contact: Raf.davletov@gmail.com



Summer School "Infolife"

Dates: from 5 to 19 July, 15 days


The youth volunteer camp is held in the former Soviet prison camp "Perm-36", where in 1970's and 80's known dissidents and human rights activist were held. The former prison camp has been turned into a memorial museum of the history of political repression and totalitarianism in the USSR. Near the museum, on the banks of the river is the base camp of the Youth Volunteers of the Memorial.

Volunteers of Youth Memorial as well as activists of youth voluntary organizations of Perm Region and the Volga Federal District will attend this workcamp. During the camp there will be exchange of experiences of NGOs, training of best practices of volunteering and civil debate on public issues in contemporary Russia.

Location: Village Kuchino, Chusovskoy district of the Perm region.
Work: Working on the museum grounds, assistance to the museum in preparation for the International Forum "Pilorama-2010”.

Number of participants: up to 30 people.

Language: Russian

Leaders: Robert Latypov, co-chair of the Youth Memorial and Maria Cheremnykh, manager of educational projects of the Youth "Memorial".

Contact: larobert@yandex.ru and maria7400@mail.ru

International change "Volunteer Brotherhood“

Dates: 19 July to 2 August


The third and final change of the youth volunteer camp at the base of the Memorial Museum at Perm-36 ". Its main function - helping the museum in organizing and conducting the International Forum "Pilorama-2011, which will tentatively take place July 30-31, 2011. Educational program of the camp will be full debate on public issues in contemporary Russia and the world, meetings with civic activists and former political prisoners zone "Perm-36".
Location: Village Kuchino, Chusovskoy district of the Perm region.
Work: Assistance in organizing and conducting the International Forum "Pilorama-2011”

Number of participants: up to 25 people.

Language: Russian

Leader: Katerina Zlobina, Project Coordinator of the Youth "Memorial".
Contact: katerina-tret@yandex.ru


Please, sent the application to: Service Civil International (find your branch on www.sciint.org )



International volunteer camp "Blurring the Boundaries”
Dates: 16 to 31 July, 16 days


The camp is traditionally held in the city of Perm with the German organization Internationaler Bauorden («Construction Order"). It is aimed at carrying out minor repairs in the apartments of the victims of political repression living in Perm. In addition, volunteers will provide all possible assistance in the construction of the Museum of the former NKVD prison in Perm. It is assumed that half of the camp participants will be volunteers from Western Europe, and the other half the Russian volunteers.

Location: Perm

Work: renovating the apartments of the victims of political repression, and also work in the former prison of the NKVD. Work will include painting of windows and doors, Wallpapering, plastering, whitewashing walls and ceilings, as well as the establishment of multimedia equipment in the future museum.

Number of participants: up to 16 people.

Working languages: English, German and Russian.

Leaders: Olga Galieva, manager of international projects of the Youth Memorial and Andrey Kalikh, a board member of the Perm Branch of the Memorial.

Contact: ogalieva@gmail.com and akalikh@yandex.ru

International volunteer camp "Apartment"

Dates: 1st to 14th of August


The camp is held in the city of Dobryanka in the Perm region together with the German organization Aktion Sühnezeichen Friedensdienste («action Mark of Atonement - the service of peace"). Half of the participants of the camp will be made up of volunteers from Western Europe, and the other half from the Russian volunteers.
Location: Dobryanka, Perm region.
Work: renovating apartments of elderly people, victims of political repression, rendering them social assistance.

Number of participants: up to 20 people.
Working languages: Russian, German and English.
Leaders: Jan Grundmann, a volunteer from the ASF and Alexandra Skaliuh, coordinator of volunteer services of the Youth "Memorial".
Contact: fun-fan1989@web.de and an-noct@yandex.ru

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Adam (вст) ( http://soundtracks.tvfanclub.net ) 19 августа 2012 - 14:32
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mySxnOZTDTs С ноября мы начинаем проводить личные консультации для тех, кто интересуется международными волонтёрскими проектами. Консультации бесплатны и будут проходить два раза в неделю, по предварительной договоренности.

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